Aaron's Archery Appendages.

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Aaron's Archery Appendages.
File:Aaron's Archery Appendages..png


Ranging Guild


Armour salesman


Ranged armour

File:Aaron's Archery Appendages. location.png

Aaron's Archery Appendages is a shop where Aaron the Armour salesman sells low level ranged armour. Aaron also sells the Ranged Cape of Accomplishment. His shop is located in the Ranging Guild, so it can only be accessed by players with at least level 40 Ranged.


Aaron's Archery Appendages. stock.png

Sells at: 100% Buys at: 50% Change per: 1%
Item Number in stock Restock time Price sold at
Leather body Leather body 10 50s 21 Coins 5.png
Hardleather body Hardleather body 10 60s 170 Coins 100.png
Studded body Studded body 10 70s 850 Coins 250.png
Leather chaps Leather chaps 20 50s 20 Coins 5.png
Studded chaps Studded chaps 15 80s 750 Coins 250.png
Coif Coif 10 50s 200 Coins 100.png
Leather cowl Leather cowl 10 70s 24 Coins 5.png
Leather vambraces Leather vambraces 10 150s 18 Coins 5.png