Gaius' Two Handed Shop.

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Gaius' Two Handed Shop.
File:Gaius' Two Handed Shop..png






Sword shop

File:Gaius' Two Handed Shop. location.png

Gaius' Two Handed Shop is a shop in Taverley owned by Gaius that has a variety of two-handed swords ranging from bronze to adamant. This store does not sell the rune or dragon two-handed sword. It can be used as an easy source for the adamant two-handed sword needed for a hard emote clue scroll.


Gaius' Two Handed Shop. stock.png

Sells at: 100% Buys at: 60% Change per: 2%
Item Number in stock Restock time Price sold at
Bronze 2h sword Bronze 2h sword 4 200s 80 Coins 25.png
Iron 2h sword Iron 2h sword 3 300s 280 Coins 250.png
Steel 2h sword Steel 2h sword 2 500s 1000 Coins 250.png
Black 2h sword Black 2h sword 1 700s 1920 Coins 1000.png
Mithril 2h sword Mithril 2h sword 1 1000s 2600 Coins 1000.png
Adamant 2h sword Adamant 2h sword 1 15000s 6400 Coins 1000.png