Herquin's Gems.

Herquin's Gems is located on the west side of Falador, just south of the west bank. It is owned by Herquin.

Herquin's Gems.
File:Herquin's Gems..png






Gem shop

File:Herquin's Gems. location.png

This shop only stocks one Uncut sapphire and one Sapphire; all of its other gems are stocked when players sell them to him. Because other players will usually pay more for gems than this shop will, players tend not to sell their gems to it and as such his shop is often empty.



Sells at: 100% Buys at: 70% Change per: 3%
Item Number in stock Restock time Price sold at
Uncut sapphire Uncut sapphire 1 25000s 25  
Uncut emerald Uncut emerald 0 1000s 50  
Uncut ruby Uncut ruby 0 2000s 100  
Uncut diamond Uncut diamond 0 4000s 200  
Sapphire Sapphire 1 15000s 250  
Emerald Emerald 0 1000s 500  
Ruby Ruby 0 2000s 1000  
Diamond Diamond 0 4000s 2000