Karamja General Store

The Karamja General Store is a general store located in the south-west of Musa Point. It is run by a Shopkeeper Kofi and his Shop assistant.

Karamja General Store
File:Karamja General Store.png


Musa Point


Shopkeeper Kofi


General store

File:Karamja General Store location.png

On the counters a jug, a knife, and a banana spawn, as does a rope on the floor.



Sells at: 130% Buys at: 40% Change per: 3%
Item Number in stock Restock time Price sold at
  Pot 5 10s 1  
  Jug 2 100s 1  
  Shears 2 100s 1  
  Bucket 3 10s 2  
  Bowl 2 50s 4  
  Cake tin 2 50s 10  
  Tinderbox 2 100s 1  
  Chisel 2 100s 1  
  Hammer 5 100s 1