Obli's General Store.

Obli's General Store is a general store run by Obli in Shilo Village on Karamja. This general store has the largest stock of General stores with items varying from foods and tools.

Obli's General Store.
File:Obli's General Store..png


Shilo Village




General store

File:Obli's General Store. location.png



Sells at: 150% Buys at: 50% Change per: 2%
Item Number in stock Restock time Price sold at
  Tinderbox 2 500s 1  
Vial Vial 10 500s 2  
Pestle and mortar Pestle and mortar 3 500s 4  
  Pot 3 500s 1  
  Bronze axe 3 500s 16  
  Bronze pickaxe 2 500s 1  
  Iron axe 5 700s 56  
  Leather body 12 500s 21  
Leather gloves Leather gloves 10 500s 6  
Leather boots Leather boots 10 500s 6  
  Cooked meat 2 500s 4  
Bread Bread 10 500s 12  
Bronze bar Bronze bar 10 500s 8  
Spade Spade 10 500s 3  
  Candle 10 500s 3  
Unlit torch Unlit torch 10 500s 0
  Chisel 10 500s 1  
  Hammer 10 500s 1  
  Papyrus 50 200s 10  
Charcoal Charcoal 50 200s 45  
  Vial of water 50 200s 2  
Machete Machete 50 200s 40  
  Rope 10 200s 18