Skulgrimen's Battle Gear

Skulgrimen's Battle Gear is located in Rellekka, just north of the longhall. Skulgrimen, the store owner, and Thorvald the Warrior can be found in the building.

Skulgrimen's Battle Gear
File:Skulgrimen's Battle Gear.png






Helmet shop

File:Skulgrimen's Battle Gear location.png



Sells at: 130% Buys at: 70% Change per: 3%
Item Number in stock Restock time Price sold at
Bronze warhammer Bronze warhammer 5 100s 47  
Iron warhammer Iron warhammer 4 100s 173  
Steel warhammer Steel warhammer 3 100s 640  
Black warhammer Black warhammer 3 100s 980  
Mithril warhammer Mithril warhammer 2 100s 1660  
Adamant warhammer Adamant warhammer 1 100s 0
Rune warhammer Rune warhammer 0 100s 41500  
Archer helm Archer helm 5 100s 60000  
Berserker helm Berserker helm 5 100s 60000  
Warrior helm Warrior helm 5 100s 60000  
Farseer helm Farseer helm 5 100s 60000