Commands: Difference between revisions

31 bytes added ,  6 February 2023
alphabetical order
(I'll finish the rest later)
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==User Level Commands==
==User Level Commands==
:This makes a short list of commands that are usable by non-developers.
:This makes a short list of commands that are usable by non-developers.
:This command enables/disables debug level logging.
:This shows the top 10 players of: total level, wealth, and total damage.
:This shows the top 10 players of: total level, wealth, and total damage.
:This command enables/disables in-game random events.
:This command enables/disables in-game random events.
:This command enables/disables debug level logging.
:You must be connected to the game from to use this command. This effectively renders this command to developer level.
:You must be connected to the game from to use this command. This effectively renders this command to developer level.

==Moderator Level Commands==
==Moderator Level Commands==
Moderators have access to these commands as well as any commands listed above.
Moderators have access to these commands as well as any commands listed above.
:Kick an active player from the server.
:Mutes an active player by his username for an indefinite duration.
:Mutes/unmutes an active player by his ip address for an indefinite duration.
:Mutes/unmutes an active player by his ip address for an indefinite duration.
:Kick an active player from the server by their username.
:Displays memory usage in Megabytes (MB).  
:Displays memory usage in Megabytes (MB).  
:Mutes an active player by his username for an indefinite duration.
:Changes tick speed of the game in ms. (default = 600)
:Changes tick speed of the game in ms. (default = 600)

==Administrator Level Commands==
==Administrator Level Commands==
:Bans/ubans a player by his username
:Deletes all items from your bank.
:Deletes all items from your bank.
:Bans a player by his ip address
:Bans a player by his username
:Removes all items from inventory.
:Forces a dialogue based on ID
:Forces a dialogue based on ID
:Forces an interface based on ID
:Forces your character to go up one/two floor(s)
:Forces your character to go down one/two floor(s)
:Forces your character to go down one/two floor(s)
:Removes all items from inventory.
:Gives your character 999,999 HP
:Gives your character 999,999 HP
:Forces an interface based on ID
:Bans/unbans a player by his ip address
:Adds item by ID and quantity to your character's inventory.
:Sets specified skill to 99
:Gives your character 999,999 Prayer
:Gives your character 999,999 Prayer
:Sets a specified skill to a specified level
:Sets a specified skill to a specified level
:Switches your character's current spell book to Ancients. If used with Ancients, it reverts back to modern.
:Switches your character's current spell book to Ancients. If used with Ancients, it reverts back to modern.
:Adds item by ID and quantity to your character's inventory.
:Sets specified skill to 99
:Forces your character to go up one/two floor(s)

==Developer Level Commands==
==Developer Level Commands==
:Forces a song to play immediately.
:Forces all NPCs on the map to no longer attack
:Demotes player to specified level of rights
:Promotes specified player to Admin
:Promotes specified player to Admin
:Demotes player to specified level of rights
:Promotes specified player to Moderator
:Promotes specified player to Moderator
:Forces a song to play immediately.
:Forces all NPCs on the map to no longer attack
:Sets your run energy to 100.
:Plays a song while respecting the fade out and in durations.
:Plays a specified sound
:Plays a specified sound
:Plays a song while respecting the fade out and in durations.
:Sets your run energy to 100.
