Varrock Swordshop

The Varrock Swordshop is a shop in southern Varrock run by a Shop keeper. The shop can be found opposite the Blue Moon Inn. The shop sells daggers, swords, and longswords, all of which range from bronze to adamant. A list of all prices in the shop is located below. Players use the shop as a speedy way to purchase lower-level weapons, though this shop does not see much business as many players consider scimitars to be a better weapon choice.

Varrock Swordshop
File:Varrock Swordshop.png




Shop keeper


Sword shop

File:Varrock Swordshop location.png



Sells at: 100% Buys at: 60% Change per: 2%
Item Number in stock Restock time Price sold at
Bronze sword Bronze sword 5 100s 26  
Iron sword Iron sword 4 200s 91  
Steel sword Steel sword 4 400s 325  
Black sword Black sword 3 1000s 624  
Mithril sword Mithril sword 3 3000s 845  
Adamant sword Adamant sword 2 12000s 2080  
Bronze longsword Bronze longsword 4 100s 40  
Iron longsword Iron longsword 3 200s 140  
Steel longsword Steel longsword 3 400s 500  
Black longsword Black longsword 2 1000s 960  
Mithril longsword Mithril longsword 2 3000s 1300  
Adamant longsword Adamant longsword 1 12000s 3200  
Bronze dagger Bronze dagger 10 100s 10  
Iron dagger Iron dagger 6 200s 35  
Steel dagger Steel dagger 5 400s 125  
Black dagger Black dagger 4 1000s 240  
Mithril dagger Mithril dagger 3 3000s 325  
Adamant dagger Adamant dagger 2 12000s 800