Bandit Bargains

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Bandit Bargains
File:Bandit Bargains.png


Bandit Camp


Bandit shopkeeper


Desert survival

File:Bandit Bargains location.png

Bandit Bargains is a general store in the Bandit Camp, owned by the Bandit shopkeeper. Like most general stores in the Kharidian Desert, it sells desert survival equipment. However, unlike usual general stores, you may not sell any tradeable item to this store. The owner will not attack if a player is wearing a god item, unlike other bandits in the area.

Although water filled containers are sold here, the filled container is still subject to evaporation while travelling through the desert.


Bandit Bargains stock.png

Sells at: 100% Buys at: 70% Change per: 1%
Item Number in stock Restock time Price sold at
Waterskin(4) Waterskin(4) 5 100s 30 Coins 25.png
Waterskin(0) Waterskin(0) 5 100s 15 Coins 5.png
Jug of water Jug of water 5 100s 1 Coins 1.png
Bowl of water Bowl of water 5 100s 4 Coins 4.png
Bucket of water Bucket of water 5 100s 6 Coins 5.png
Jug Jug 5 100s 1 Coins 1.png
Bowl Bowl 5 100s 4 Coins 4.png
Bucket Bucket 5 100s 2 Coins 2.png
Desert boots Desert boots 5 500s 20 Coins 5.png
Desert shirt Desert shirt 5 500s 40 Coins 25.png
Desert robe Desert robe 5 500s 40 Coins 25.png
Knife Knife 5 100s 6 Coins 5.png