Barkers' Haberdashery

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Barkers' Haberdashery
File:Barkers' Haberdashery.png






Clothing shop

File:Barkers' Haberdashery location.png

Barkers' Haberdashery is run by Barker. The shop sells an assortment of robe sets, gloves, and boots in five different colours; grey, red, yellow, teal, and purple. He also sells five coloured capes; red, black, blue, yellow, and green.


Barkers' Haberdashery stock.png

Sells at: 130% Buys at: 40% Change per: 3%
Item Number in stock Restock time Price sold at
Grey boots Grey boots 5 100s 0
Grey robe top Grey robe top 5 100s 0
Grey robe bottoms Grey robe bottoms 5 100s 0
Grey hat Grey hat 5 100s 0
Grey gloves Grey gloves 5 100s 0
Red boots Red boots 5 100s 0
Red robe top Red robe top 5 100s 0
Red robe bottoms Red robe bottoms 5 100s 0
Red hat Red hat 5 100s 0
Red gloves Red gloves 5 100s 0
Yellow boots Yellow boots 5 100s 0
Yellow robe top Yellow robe top 5 100s 0
Yellow robe bottoms Yellow robe bottoms 5 100s 0
Yellow hat Yellow hat 5 100s 0
Yellow gloves Yellow gloves 5 100s 0
Teal boots Teal boots 5 100s 0
Teal robe top Teal robe top 5 100s 0
Teal robe bottoms Teal robe bottoms 5 100s 0
Teal hat Teal hat 5 100s 0
Teal gloves Teal gloves 5 100s 0
Purple boots Purple boots 5 100s 0
Purple robe top Purple robe top 5 100s 0
Purple robe bottoms Purple robe bottoms 5 100s 0
Purple hat Purple hat 5 100s 0
Purple gloves Purple gloves 5 100s 0
Red cape Red cape 5 500s 0
Black cape Black cape 5 500s 0
Blue cape Blue cape 5 500s 0
Yellow cape Yellow cape 5 500s 0
Green cape Green cape 5 500s 0