Helmet Shop.

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Helmet Shop.
File:Helmet Shop..png


Barbarian Village




Helmet shop

File:Helmet Shop. location.png

The Helmet Shop is a shop run by Peksa located in central Barbarian Village. The shop offers medium and full helmets ranging from bronze to adamant, with the exception of black helms. It is the only shop in the Barbarian Village. The shop also contains a permanent fire.


Helmet Shop. stock.png

Sells at: 100% Buys at: 60% Change per: 1%
Item Number in stock Restock time Price sold at
Bronze med helm Bronze med helm 5 100s 24 Coins 5.png
Iron med helm Iron med helm 3 200s 84 Coins 25.png
Steel med helm Steel med helm 3 400s 300 Coins 250.png
Mithril med helm Mithril med helm 1 3000s 780 Coins 250.png
Adamant med helm Adamant med helm 1 12000s 1920 Coins 1000.png
Bronze full helm Bronze full helm 4 100s 44 Coins 25.png
Iron full helm Iron full helm 3 200s 154 Coins 100.png
Steel full helm Steel full helm 2 400s 550 Coins 250.png
Mithril full helm Mithril full helm 1 3000s 1430 Coins 1000.png
Adamant full helm Adamant full helm 1 12000s 3520 Coins 1000.png