The * template is used to add bullets (example: •) by substituting '''•''' automatically.
The recommended usage is to use spaces before and after the template.
[[Bones]] {{*}} [[Big bones]]
The template renders one space on each side of the bullet. Bones • Big bones
For long dotted lists each list item can be put on its own line, with spaces between each item and the template.
[[Bones]] {{*}} [[Bat bones]] {{*}} [[Wolf bones]] {{*}} [[Big bones]] {{*}} [[Dragon bones]]
As before, the template renders one space on each side of the bullets. Bones • Bat bones • Wolf bones • Big bones • Dragon bones
When the list is too long and line breaks, the class "nowraplinks" should be used.
<div class="nowraplinks"> [[Bones]] {{*}} [[Bat bones]] {{*}} [[Wolf bones]] {{*}} [[Big bones]] {{*}} [[Dragon bones]] {{*}} [[Bones]] {{*}} [[Bat bones]] {{*}} [[Wolf bones]] {{*}} [[Big bones]] {{*}} [[Dragon bones]] {{*}} [[Bones]] {{*}} [[Bat bones]] {{*}} [[Wolf bones]] {{*}} [[Big bones]] {{*}} [[Dragon bones]] </div>
Using "nowraplinks" forces the line break to come after one of the bullets.
Bones • Bat bones • Wolf bones • Big bones • Dragon bones • Bones • Bat bones • Wolf bones • Big bones • Dragon bones • Bones • Bat bones • Wolf bones • Big bones • Dragon bones
Template data
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