Zaff's Superior Staffs!

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Zaff's Superior Staffs!
File:Zaff's Superior Staffs!.png






Staff shop

File:Zaff's Superior Staffs! location.png

Zaff's Superior Staffs is a staff shop located near central Varrock, owned by Zaff. It is the main source of battlestaves and of elemental staves for free players.


Zaff's Superior Staffs! stock.png

Sells at: 100% Buys at: 55% Change per: 2%
Item Number in stock Restock time Price sold at
Battlestaff Battlestaff 5 100s 7000 Coins 1000.png
Staff Staff 5 100s 15 Coins 5.png
Magic staff Magic staff 5 200s 200 Coins 100.png
Staff of air Staff of air 2 1000s 1500 Coins 1000.png
Staff of water Staff of water 2 1000s 1500 Coins 1000.png
Staff of earth Staff of earth 2 1000s 1500 Coins 1000.png
Staff of fire Staff of fire 2 1000s 1500 Coins 1000.png